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Fishing the Delta in the summer

     Summer is here and the Delta black bass are in the post spawn mode.
The bass are just getting done spawning and are starting to feed to get their energy back. Most of the bass have spawned, but there are always some that have not spawned yet.
     It is this time of the year that I concentrate on fishing large weed beds close to the main river channel. As the water temperature starts to warm up into the seventies, the bass will stay closer to the river currents. These large weed beds are rich in plankton in which the baitfish feed on. The weed beds have everything a bass could want, the weeds filter out the water and produce a lot of oxygen. If you can find a weed bed in which the moss attaches to and forms a canapé on the surface, this is the kind of spot that has the potential of holding a ten-pound plus bass.
     Best places to look for this kind of areas are on the San Joaquin River.   There are many islands off the river, which hold large weed beds. On most of the islands one side will be deep (10 to 20 feet) and will have a lot of current. The other side will usually have a bend in it and will be a lot shallower (1 to 3 feet) and have a lot of weeds. The shallower side of these islands is the prime areas. 
     The tides play a big role in fishing these kinds of areas. The best time to learn to fish these kinds of areas is on high tide. The best time to look for these areas is on low tide so you can see the large weed beds. On the high tide you will be fishing over the top of these beds. The bass can travel underneath these beds, right to the tulles.  Behind the weeds, you will find a buffer zone. A buffer zone is a clear spot behind the weeds. A good buffer zone will have some sparse tulle and have a water depth of a foot or two.   In the morning I like to throw buzz baits (Bull Dog) on the top of the weeds, so I can cover a lot of area. Then I will turn around and throw a Zoom Super fluke or a Yamamoto Senka weight less worm. I also like to flip Zipper Worms and Brushhogs into these small pockets.
     This time of the year I like to throw a Tournament Frog on top of the  moss beds. Just to have one of these big bass explode on your frog will make you tremble. Work the frog like you are working a top water lure. Move it and  let it sit for a while like a popper in open water. When the bass want it,  they will explode right through the moss.
      One of the most important things to remember is a bass deals with current and water height everyday of their life's, so they know when to back off. One foot of water is plenty deep for these bass. Last year I caught a bass weighing thirteen and a half pounds and I saw an inch of her tail out of the water. If you think you are in to shallow of water, you need to fish shallower yet!

      Good Luck,     Alan Fong

         Practice catch and release!

You can contact "Alan":  Email

Fisherman's Warehouse
9035 Folsom Blvd.
Sacramento, Ca
(916) 362-1200


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Check out some of "Alan Fong's" other articles:


 1. Alan's Tip On Fall Delta Striper Fishing

 2. California Delta Large Mouth

 3. Using Fish Finder 

 4. Spring Run Striper

 5. Springtime Delta Bass

 6. Springtime Shad

 7. Frogging For Bass

 8.Delta Summer Fishing

9.Vertical Spooning For SALMON


11.Night Fishing For Salmon